RFL Reversible mouldboard plough

Reversible mouldboard plough with fuse safety system, from 2 to 4 bodies, with oscillating and removed head. Manufactured using top quality materials which offer a maximum durability and exceptional performance.

Frame of 120×120. Hydraulic or mechanical adjustable working width system from 12” up to 20”. Normal or fast coupling, conventional or slatted mouldboard. Availability in several options.

General features
Mod. Kg Cm Cm M C.V. / H.P.
RFL2 2 580-610 72-83 85-95-100 * 50-70
RFL3 3 740-770 72-83 85-95-100 * 75-100
RFL4 4 900-930 72-83 85-95-100 * 90-120
* Inches by number of mouldboard
Equipos Opcionales
Arado Vertedera Reversible
Raseta de maíz
Raseta de maíz universal
Rueda de control neumatíca 200/60 – 300/65 – 320/60
Rueda de control y transporte neumatíca 200/60 – 300/65 – 320/60
Doble rueda de control adelantada
Anchura de trabajo hidráulica
Vertedera de láminas
Vertedera E90
Cuchilla talonera
Cola cuchilla
Disco de corte con amortiguación
Cuerpo adicional atornillado
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